WBCSD and 德勤 release new guidance to help business support health and wellbeing in the workplace

New guidance for business in support of realizing a happier and healthier society through fostering cultures of employee health and wellbeing 

发表: 2022年1月25日
类型: 新闻

1月25日,日内瓦: The 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD) and 德勤  have today launched new guidance to support the global business community in advancing workplace cultures that protect and nurture the highest standards of employee wellbeing.

这个新资源 健康的人,健康的企业: Embedding a culture of employee health and wellbeing was developed in collaboration with more than 20 WBCSD member companies. It identifies key levers for businesses to maximize positive impacts across various dimensions of health and wellbeing for the individuals that sit at the heart of business operations. It provides a practical framework with tangible examples showing how businesses can accelerate efforts to embed employee wellbeing into organizational strategy.

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a sharp reminder of the critical importance of health and wellbeing as the bedrock for prosperous societies and economies around the world. It has also prompted much reflection on what can be done to promote and protect health more robustly and equitably moving forward, putting us on course to realize many of the ambitions laid out in Sustainable 发展 Goal 3: Good 健康和福利.

在此背景下,水务署推出了 健康的人,健康的企业 项目将于2021年4月启动,该项目将帮助会员公司跟进 健康 & 幸福的途径 载于水务署的 2050年正规博彩十大网站:是时候转型了. The project builds a cross-sectoral coalition of WBCSD members to identify private sector opportunities to drive health promotion and disease prevention, thereby transforming the health and wellbeing value chain as set out in 水务署《2022-2027年策略.

The new guidance represents a first output from this coalition, and focuses on workplace wellbeing. It outlines the business case for realizing a culture of health and wellbeing and provides a maturity matrix as a practical tool for companies to assess at what stage of the journey they are to embedding a culture of health and wellbeing into their organizational make-up. 然后,报告提供增强成熟度的优先级操作, and outlines a five-step process for companies to realize these actions and progress in their health and wellbeing journey. 这些步骤包括:

  1. 诊断成熟
  2. 制定战略来推动变革
  3. 定制方法
  4. 实施正确的杠杆来推动变革
  5. 评估和沟通绩效

 “工作是我们经济的核心引擎. We have to recognize that work can both negatively and positively influence health outcomes.WBCSD的执行副总裁Diane Holdorf说. “By fostering safe workplaces and cultures that protect and nurture the wellbeing of employees, businesses have a significant opportunity to contribute to the realization of our vision of the highest attainable standard of health & 人人幸福.”

企业在改善健康结果方面的作用是明确的. The World 健康 Organization (WHO) considers the workplace as one of the priority settings for health promotion in the 21st century, 普通人一生中三分之一的时间都在工作. Despite significant advances in health and safety in recent decades, the WHO and the International Labour Organization estimate almost 2 million women and men around the world still die due to work-related accidents or diseases every year.

This report underlines how embedding a culture of health and wellbeing throughout a company represents an important opportunity not only to contribute to the realization of a healthier, 幸福的社会, but also to significantly improve long-term business license to operate, 创新成长.

“Business has the opportunity and responsibility to ensure that work, 不仅不会对员工健康造成伤害, 同时也培养了它,伊丽莎白·汉普森说, 德勤健康和生命科学战略总监. Companies are well-positioned to improve many areas of health and wellbeing, extending from traditional occupational health and safety dimensions into physical, 精神, 社会和经济福利.” 

WBCSD的 健康的人,健康的企业 项目,涉及- 3M, 阿伯特, Arcadis, 贝克麦肯齐, 生原体, 科莱恩, 德勤, 嗯, 葛兰素史克公司, Guidehouse, 国际宜家, 三菱公司的, 雀巢, 诺华制药, (OCP集团, 采购经理人指数, 利洁时, 索尔维, Sompo Japan和Trane Technologies will continue to explore opportunities to support companies on this journey moving forward and welcomes the opportunity for continued stakeholder engagement around this critical topic.

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